Organisation of Olfaction Symposium

When: December 13, 2018 from 10h to 18h

Guillaume Ferreira (NutriNeuro), Lisa Roux (IINS) and Giovanni Marsicano (NCM) organise an Olfaction symposium December 13, 2018, Magendie conference room.

Abstract:  Olfaction has long been considered as a « secondary » sensory modality but recent discoveries highlighted its central role in brain functions. During the first session of this symposium, the neurobiological bases of olfactory learning from the early stages of life (Coureaud, Sullivan) to adulthood (Busquets-Garcia, Nicole) will be illustrated. The second session will primarily focus on the physiology of the first relays of olfactory information processing, namely the olfactory bulb and the piriform cortex (or homologous structures in Drosophila), as well as their strong interactions (Nissant, Plaçais, Martin and Wilson).


 10:00-10:30: Welcome / coffee

 10:30-11:05    Olivier Nicole (IMN, Bordeaux)

A Cortical switch in the composition of synaptic GluN2-containing NMDA receptors drives the formation of long-lasting associative olfactory memory.

11:05-11:40      Arnau Busquets-Garcia (NeuroCentre Magendie, Bordeaux)

Role of CB1 receptors on mediated olfactory learning.

11:40-12:15       Gérard Coureaud (CRNL, Lyon)

Learning and memory of single odorants and odorant mixtures in the newborn rabbit.

 12:15-13:00      Keynote speaker: Regina Sullivan (NYU, USA)

Maternal odor and regulation of the infant brain and behavior. 

 13:00-14:00: Lunch break (buffet)

 14:00-14:35       Antoine Nissant (Institut Pasteur, Paris)

Cortical control of olfactory bulb circuits: Plasticity and role in associative learning.

14:35-15:10      Pierre-Yves Plaçais (ESPCI, Paris)

Brain energy metabolism shapes olfactory long-term memory in Drosophila: an analysis at neural circuit and molecular levels.

15:10-15:45       Claire Martin (Paris Diderot, Paris)

Smellody: multisensory learning between odor and sound enhances beta oscillations in olfactory areas.

 15:45-16:15: Coffee break

 16:15-17:00       Keynote speaker: Don Wilson (NYU, USA)

Smell in context: The role of top-down feedback and dynamic networks in olfaction.

Modification date : 14 August 2023 | Publication date : 23 November 2018 | Redactor : CJ