CAJAL Summer School 2018, 25 June - 7 July, Bordeaux Neurocampus, France

Neuroinflammation and how to study it

This international summer school organized by Sophie Layé, Agnès Nadjar, Andy Greenhalgh (NutriNeuro, INRA, Université de Bordeaux) and Colm Cunningham (Trinity Institute of Neurosciences, Dublin, Irelande) was held in Bordeaux from the 25th June to the 7th July. It combined theoritical and pratical training.

Many keynote speakers: Hugh Perry, Burkhard Becher, Florent Ginhoux, Trevor Owens, Britta Engelhardt, Amanda Sierra, Diego Gomez-Nicola, Barry McColl, Robert Dantzer and Ulrich Dirnagl.

Programme :

2018 Cajal Advanced Neuroscience Training Prog

flyer cajal Developmental + Neuroinflammation 2018