New publication on a new neuronal pathway involved in Alzheimer's disease

In Science Translational Medicine by Jean-Christophe Delpech

Abnormally phosphorylated tau has been observed in the entorhinal cortex layer II (ECII) of the brain and from there spreads to the hippocampal CA1 region during the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Here, Delpech et al. develop an animal model that recapitulates this early tau spreading pathology. They show that expressing human mutant tau specifically in Wolframin-1–positive neurons of the ECII of mouse brain resulted in transfer of tau specifically to the hippocampal CA1 area. This was accompanied by memory impairment and reduced activity of CA1 pyramidal neurons, suggesting that this neuronal pathway should be investigated further in Alzheimer’s disease.

Modification date : 14 August 2023 | Publication date : 17 September 2021 | Redactor : CJ