NutriNeuro: Integrated Nutrition and Neurobiology Lab



15 March 2024

By: CJ

Brain Week: participation of Guillaume Ferreira

Guillaume Ferreira researcher at NutriNeuro lao participe at the brain week

15 March 2024

By: CJ

Brain and Nutrition

A l’occasion de la Semaine du cerveau, l’INRAE consacre plusieurs actualités aux relations entre nutrition et cerveau. Trois d’entre elles reviennent sur des travaux de recherche récents réalisés à NutriNeuro.
Enrica Montalban, a post-doctoral researcher at NutriNeuro, is the winner of the Marian Diamond Prize 2024, in recognition of her research work and her involvement in the scientific community.
Matéo N'Diaye.png
Différences sexuelles dans les effets d'un régime obésogène sur la mémoire

Zoom on


14 August 2023

By: CJ

Cajal lectures: glial cells in health and diseases

June 19th to July 6th, Bordeaux

14 August 2023

By: CJ

Charlotte Madore obtained the Rank Prize Nutrition 2023, Early Career Researcher Award

Awarded at the Rank symposium on n-3 Fatty acids, cognition and mental health, held from 17 to 20 april 2023, UK

14 August 2023

By: CJ

Bordeaux Summer School - ECNP Immuno-Neuropsychiatry

July 17th - July 19th, 2023

14 August 2023

By: CJ

The power of sugar on brain

by Xavier Fioramonti